Progress Report: FOP: Brie Box

One of the interests I have in crafting is using found objects*. My first attempt at baked brie (it is harder than it looks!) left me with a rather large brie box with a charming picture. I decided to paint the picture with craft acrylics (Deltaceramcoat and DecoArt) and then surround it with my choice of paper (in this case, “Olana” from 7Gypsies, purchased at Paper Source).

I’m not sure I’m done with it. I’m thinking about lining the inner circle with some dark colored ribbon to pick up one of the colors in the paint.

Oh, and for what do you use a brie box (other than a very small, very flat, hat?). To hold miscellaneous rolls of tape, of course. That was my husband’s suggestion. And that’s exactly how it is being used at the moment.

* FOP= Found Object Project

2 Responses to “Progress Report: FOP: Brie Box”

  1. 1 Rebecca May 19, 2008 at 1:36 am

    I like the box – Now, how did you affix the paper? I wonder -would a fabric have been a cool covering? There is a box around here at my house that my DH’s grandmother made. It was a small wooded box similar to the brie box, but she covered it with fabric. It has held up nicely.


  2. 2 craftylyra May 19, 2008 at 1:47 am

    I just used crafting glue for the paper. I think I’m going to reinforce the side with ribbon. Fabric would have been much easier, but I sort of wanted the rustic texture of paper. It don’t intend for it to last forever (brie boxes are eh…on the cheap side—not good for storage), but thought if I’m going to have it sitting around…I might as well. 🙂

    I’d love to do some fabric work, but I’m sticking with paper for now (no room for the fabric!).

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