
I am by no means an eco-crafter, but I am trying to get there.  One of the best ways to do it is by doing FOPs (Found Object Projects)–especially if your project turns out to be useful.  I don’t sew, but if I did, I think I’d find this pincushion ring (made with a plastic ring tab from a carton) pretty darn useful (except that I’m such a clutz I’d risk missing the cushion and sticking my hand.

For those of you into jewelry-making, here’s an idea for old used up Starbucks coffee cards.  And since not everyone can come into a supply of those, you might go for a funkier look with old cut up credit cards?  I’m thinking you’d have to be highly selective in the pieces you chose, and not use pieces from the same card in one piece of jewelry. You know, security reasons and all.

Finally, I found a good blog with an eco-crafting focus.  Crafting a Green World has numerous craft ideas and good resources for finding eco-friendly (or near eco-friendly) papers and fabrics.  I like the fact that some of the posts acknowledge that it is difficult to be totally green (recycled felt (great!) out of plastic bottles (not great!) but that some options are better than others and that is really what it is about.

4 Responses to “Eco-Crafting”

  1. 1 Shaz June 4, 2008 at 7:37 pm

    Gasp! I LUV the pincushion, how cute! Thanks for sharing. And I’m definitely putting that bracelet into my “someday” pile.

  2. 2 Mingus Designs June 5, 2008 at 12:43 am

    Great find, I will have to go all through that blog when I have the time.

  3. 3 Skye June 5, 2008 at 9:00 pm

    Thanks for the link! And I would totally turn into a pincushion if I used that pincushion…

  4. 4 craftylyra June 5, 2008 at 9:37 pm

    You are most welcome for the link! Thanks for stopping by! I’m happy to know about both Mingus Designs and Crafting A Green World.

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